Top Ten Tuesday - New


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have. Well, I’m not sure if these are exactly problems…

1. Time

Out of Time Rabbit GIF
 Never having enough to read as much as I want, 
and knowing I’ll never finish my TBR

2. When other bloggers get ARCs of books I cannot wait to read

Begging Me To Hate You Scrubs GIF
And I have to keep on waiting for the release date

3. Sticking with books I can’t get into
 But I feel like I have to finish them because they’re 
review copies or everyone seems to love them

4. When other bloggers have read 3+ books in the past week

Loki Are You Fucking Kidding Me GIF
And I’m still on #1

5. Trying to find room on my bookshelves

Clumsy Cat GIF
And looking for a particular book that isn’t in the front layer

6. Buyer’s remorse
When I see a nicer cover on a new edition of 
a book I already own

7. Finding the right words to express how I feel about books in reviews

Jim Carey Typing GIF
If I like the book I can’t express my love adequately, 
if I didn’t like I get stressed out about saying bad things

8. Getting rid of books…

Never Say Goodbye GIF
 …. any books, ever. Even ones I didn’t like.

9. Reading a book everyone else likes…

Really?? GIF
…and not getting why they loved it so much

10. Never being able to read my favourite books again for the first time
And being jealous of my friends who haven’t read them yet

Oh, the difficulties of being a book lover! The torment never ends.

What about you guys? What bookish problems did I forget? Share in the comments!


  1. M. says:

    See, I know this on a rational level, but it doesn't FEEL like this when it happens. I keep on thinking something is wrong with me!

  2. M. says:

    See, I know this on a rational level, but it doesn't FEEL like this when it happens. I keep on thinking something is wrong with me!

  3. M. says:

    I am terribly impatient, so I'll usually order books I want pretty much right away…. then new editions or PB ones are nicer and I feel like I can't have TWO of the same book, but MAN am I tempted!

  4. Martha Woods says:

    It's definitely hard when I have to say I didn't like a book and everyone else is like “WHAT? How could you not?!” Especially with some of the uber-popular new books/series that come out…but people have different tastes. I'm sure there are books I've fangirled over that other people found really “meh”.

  5. M. says:

    I find that I have trouble settling into a book, particularly if I've got a lot of other things on my mind. When I do, I get totally into it, it's just GETTING there. It's like going to sleep – having trouble dropping off but once you're asleep you don't want to get up in the morning! If only we got a day every week set aside JUST for reading so that we could curl up with no guilt or distractions! I've never learned to speed read properly – I read relatively quickly, but not three books a week quickly!

  6. M. says:

    I find that I have trouble settling into a book, particularly if I've got a lot of other things on my mind. When I do, I get totally into it, it's just GETTING there. It's like going to sleep – having trouble dropping off but once you're asleep you don't want to get up in the morning! If only we got a day every week set aside JUST for reading so that we could curl up with no guilt or distractions! I've never learned to speed read properly – I read relatively quickly, but not three books a week quickly!

  7. Tessa G. says:

    Three books in one week?!? I am lucky if I get one. I guess that is my top bookish problem: time. Whenever I have finally curled up with a book, something always comes up and prevents me from enjoying the book. I am also not the fastest reader. If I try to speed read, then I will froget everything I read the next day.
    The struggles of a bookworm are endless.
    Tessa @ Crazy for YA

  8. Tessa G. says:

    Three books in one week?!? I am lucky if I get one. I guess that is my top bookish problem: time. Whenever I have finally curled up with a book, something always comes up and prevents me from enjoying the book. I am also not the fastest reader. If I try to speed read, then I will froget everything I read the next day.
    The struggles of a bookworm are endless.
    Tessa @ Crazy for YA

  9. M. says:

    I console myself by deciding they must speed-read and miss details. Though I suppose maybe some are lucky enough that they don't have to work, spend hours in transit every day, etc.? I dunno…. but whatever it is, I'm jealous!

  10. M. says:

    I console myself by deciding they must speed-read and miss details. Though I suppose maybe some are lucky enough that they don't have to work, spend hours in transit every day, etc.? I dunno…. but whatever it is, I'm jealous!

  11. M. says:

    I KNOW!!! Happened recently with a book I paid extra to order from Book Depository on account of the cover, and it arrived with a different cover. Apparently the publisher had changed it, and BD didn't notify me. And they won't return it unless I pay return int'l shipping. I cannot even tell you how mad it made me. (I'm not shopping from them for at least a while because I'm so mad!). Covers are important, yo.

  12. M. says:

    I KNOW!!! Happened recently with a book I paid extra to order from Book Depository on account of the cover, and it arrived with a different cover. Apparently the publisher had changed it, and BD didn't notify me. And they won't return it unless I pay return int'l shipping. I cannot even tell you how mad it made me. (I'm not shopping from them for at least a while because I'm so mad!). Covers are important, yo.

  13. M. says:

    It doesn't happen to me toooooo often, most of the time I'm happy for my bookish buddies that they're getting treats. But once in a while, like a few times a year, there's just a book I NEED RIGHT NOW and it is just so frustrating!

  14. M. says:

    It doesn't happen to me toooooo often, most of the time I'm happy for my bookish buddies that they're getting treats. But once in a while, like a few times a year, there's just a book I NEED RIGHT NOW and it is just so frustrating!

  15. M. says:

    Right? I'm at the age now where I'm starting to forget things more often, and it occurred to me the other day that maybe this will allow me to almost read books for the first time again eventually. I mean, not that I WANT to lose my memory, I'm just saying there's a silver lining to everything.

  16. M. says:

    Right? I'm at the age now where I'm starting to forget things more often, and it occurred to me the other day that maybe this will allow me to almost read books for the first time again eventually. I mean, not that I WANT to lose my memory, I'm just saying there's a silver lining to everything.

  17. M. says:

    I completely agree! If it's a book I just randomly decided to read, and I don't dig it, I'm moving on. This problem arises when it's a review copy – I feel obligated to finish them – or if people whose opinions I trust say, “it gets better!” in which case I feel like I have to keep going to find out if they're lying. But like 99% of the time, I totally take your grandma's advice. Wise, wise lady!

  18. M. says:

    I completely agree! If it's a book I just randomly decided to read, and I don't dig it, I'm moving on. This problem arises when it's a review copy – I feel obligated to finish them – or if people whose opinions I trust say, “it gets better!” in which case I feel like I have to keep going to find out if they're lying. But like 99% of the time, I totally take your grandma's advice. Wise, wise lady!

  19. The Hungry Goat says:

    I used to stick with books I didn't really care about or wasn't interested in. Then my grandma gave me her wise wisdom: why waste your time with a book you don't like when there are so many other books out there that you want to read?

    Ever since then, I'll quit the book when I know for sure I don't like it. (Like when it takes me two weeks just to get through the first quarter of the book — I'm looking at you Pictures of Dorian Gray).

  20. The Hungry Goat says:

    I used to stick with books I didn't really care about or wasn't interested in. Then my grandma gave me her wise wisdom: why waste your time with a book you don't like when there are so many other books out there that you want to read?

    Ever since then, I'll quit the book when I know for sure I don't like it. (Like when it takes me two weeks just to get through the first quarter of the book — I'm looking at you Pictures of Dorian Gray).

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