This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is “Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren’t Books) That I’d Like To Own.” YES.
1. I don’t have an iPhone, but if I did:
2. One of these book lamps:
3. You can never have enough cool bookmarks:
4. As much as I love reading real books, they are difficult to hold after awhile. And baths and books do not a good combo make. These solve those problems:
5. I’ve always wanted one of these. I love hidden nooks – I was obsessed with secret passages and desks with hidden compartments when I was a kid. I guess I never really got over it.
6. A tote bag is always a good idea, but when it speaks such truth…
7. I absolutely LOVE this bookend. Please, someone, get me this for my next birthday!!
8. This way I can carry a book wherever I go. Also I “misplace” my keys on the regular, but I’ve NEVER lost a book. So, you know.
9. Well who hasn’t fantasized about wearing a book? I mean, really.
10. And finally, because I simply must, a very creative bookshelf.
I could go on like this all night, but the title says ten, so I’ll curtail myself. //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>
Can I just have them all? specially the bookcase that spells out read. Great choice for TTT, I'm so bummed that I didn't have the time to do this one, although I think I might have to do a late TTT because its a really good one this week (it will be 60% Harry Potter related things though haha)
Can I just have them all? specially the bookcase that spells out read. Great choice for TTT, I'm so bummed that I didn't have the time to do this one, although I think I might have to do a late TTT because its a really good one this week (it will be 60% Harry Potter related things though haha)
Oh I want all these things. 🙂 That scarf is awesome and I am also fascinated by hidden books!
Oh I want all these things. 🙂 That scarf is awesome and I am also fascinated by hidden books!