I have to admit I’m not really the best person for this week’s topic. I’m not a huge food person, and I don’t read books that center around food for this reason. So I’ve scoured my reading history for any books I can really remember food from – wherever possible in a positive light, but one or two where food is a major focus but isn’t necessarily there for its culinary appeal!

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake – Aimee Bender
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – J.K. Rowling
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake is all about food – a lot of it not enjoyable, but towards the end the main character does find some delicious food that made my mouth water. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society really made me curious – what would potato peel pie taste like? I mean, I know it was desperation war food, but I do like potatoes and I do like pie, so I am curious about how the two would combine. And Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – is there anyone out there who doesn’t want to partake of the Hogwarts food??

Under the Tuscan Sun – Frances Mayes
Like Water for Chocolate – Laura Esquivel
Under the Tuscan Sun is peppered with recipes the author learns to cook while living in Italy. So much of my favourite food has Italian origins (pizza, pasta, gelato, anything with basil in it pretty much…) so a lot of the recipes in this book made me very hungry. Like Water for Chocolate is a little like The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake in terms of food, but it still has a lot about food in it.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
Little House in the Big Woods (I think) – Laura Ingalls Wilder
A Little Princess – Frances Hodgson Burnett
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is every kid’s dream come to life, and as much as I wouldn’t like to be turned into a giant blueberry, I still think it would be a wonderful place to go for a tasting! In Little House in the Big Woods (I think, though it could have been another book in the series) there’s a bit where they pour maple syrup on snow or something. I can’t remember the details, but I remember that particular bit really piqued my curiosity. I have yet to experience it. A Little Princess has a bit where Sara finds some money on the street and buys fresh, warm buns from a bakery. I felt her hunger, and I felt how delicious the first bite of one of those buns would taste!

Hidden In Paris – Corine Gantz
The Quiche of Death – M.C. Beaton
Anne of Green Gables – L.M. Montgomery
Hidden In Paris isn’t really that foody, but there are a few bits where the mom gets very into her cooking, and it made me crave some good, homey, wholesome food. Yes, I know the quiche in The Quiche of Death is deadly, but still. Mmmm, quiche. And finally, Anne of Green Gables. Because is there anyone who has read this book who hasn’t wanted to try some of the delicious-sounding food and drink mentioned?
That’s it for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday! As I said, I’m not that into food reading, so if you have other favourites that involve food, I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.
I completely forgot about Little Princess, but that one is a perfect choice! I also loved The Particular Sadness and Guernsey Literary. For someone not into food reading, you have a great list!
Some of my favorite novels with food in them are: The Hundred-Foot Journey, White Truffles in Winter, and Feast of Sorrow. The food described in each is mouth- watering, but the stories are marvelous as well.
I want to eat all the Hogwarts food. I bet that would be the best food ever.
I’m definitely into food, but I don’t seem to pay much attention to it in books. I couldn’t come up with five books for today’s topic, let alone ten, so I went with book covers with food on them. That was a lot easier 🙂
Happy TTT!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory always used to make me hungry! 🙂 Great list!
Though I haven’t read any of them (because I’m terrible about reading classic lit), love seeing the classics on this list. “Little House” and “A Little Princess” were childhood (film) favorites, and of course, I also grew up watching the “Anne of Green Gables” movies, which are lovely. 🙂
I could probably do an entire post on foodie books set in Paris!
Great list. I don’t necessarily consider myself a foodie, but I do love food, and yet I had a hard time remembering food from books that made me want to eat them. Harry Potter made my list too though because it’s such a given I think.
Have a great week.