This week’s prompt is books you want to read again – either ones you wish you could read again for the first time or books you want to re-read. I have plenty of both.




I don’t know if I will re-read all of these, particularly in the near future (there are always such an overwhelming number of books I have yet to read that it’s hard to justify re-reading!), but I will get to a couple. I’m already re-reading The Fire Next Time, and I’m expecting I’ll finish that this year. I might re-read The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse over Christmas as it has that warm fuzzy feeling to it and is a very quick read.

What about you guys? Any books you hope to re-read before the end of the year? Have you read – or re-read – any of my picks? If the latter, did they hold up the second time?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.


    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yes! It reminds me a lot of The Durrels in Corfu (have you seen it? If not I’d highly recommend it! 4 seasons I think.) – one of the same actors and the intro graphics are very similar. The feel of it is also similar. I found both comforting.

  1. hopewellslibraryoflife says:

    Great selections. Malcolm X’s autobiography was the first book I was assigned in college in the Fall of 1980. Unforgettable. I have read James Herriot’s books so many times, but forgot to put them in today’s post! LOL

  2. Rabeeah Reads says:

    Love this! I reread The Fire Next Time this year – properly, as I’d only read pieces of it before – and I understand how it could be something you read again and again. I like the nonfiction on your list! I’m planning to read Natives soon too

  3. Laurie C says:

    Great list! Life Among the Savages is the only one that I’ve read twice, and it held up for sure. I probably appreciated more as an older person, too, as I was pretty young when I read it the first time.

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