This is a dangerous post for us bookworms. I’m sure every single one of you reading this is having a mild panic attack because a) you know you have waaaaaaaaay too many responses to this, and b) you do not want to admit to the whole world just how long that list is. But it’s a good one to make us look back and remember some of those books we really, really should read before we buy any more. Really should, right? Okay, so here are some of mine.
Honestly, this is just scratching the surface. For a while there I had a bad habit of getting over-ambitious with my reading material. I’m doing better these days – I’m using my library a lot more, I’m mainly getting audiobooks so that at least they’re not taking up space, and even then, I’m putting them on a wishlist or in a cart, and then not buying them until I’m actually inspired to read them next, and even then, only if they’re on sale. So things have improved, which is why you’ll notice that most of these have been out for a little while now. But still, I haven’t gotten to these yet. I have started several of them. I was even enjoying them. Just haven’t finished them yet.
Okay, so now is your chance! You get to tell me which of these you have read and loved, and which I should absolutely, positively read yesterday. Have at it in the comments! And please share some of yours!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.
The good thing about this prompt is that it’s helping me feel like my weird bookish habits aren’t actually all that unusual. Phew! TTT always makes me feel seen 🙂
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
Haha! You are not wrong.
I read Lessons in Chemistry earlier this year and found it just okay. The hype burned me, but maybe you’ll have a different experience. I hope you enjoy reading all of these when you get the chance.
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
You’re the second person this week to comment with a mediocre response to Lessons in Chemistry, which I find reassuring as I have tried to read it twice and was not drawn in at all by the story or characters. I’ll perhaps try one more time, but it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who isn’t immediately in love with it!
Braiding Sweetgrass is one of those books that I loved so much that I couldn’t help recommending it wildly to everyone I met. And the response in others is meh or blank stares. I am afraid I overhyped it.
I have heard nothing but wonderful responses to it, so I definitely don’t think you’re overhyping it, it just might not be everyone’s cup of tea? My kid is in an independent school and the principal actually sent out an email about what he had learned from reading it. So you’re definitely not alone! I’m looking forward to it.
I buy books then don’t have time to read them. I keep getting distracted. It’s also school holidays so basically no reading gets done!
I was disappointed by Lessons In Chemistry. I was so excited to read it, but when I got to it, it didn’t match my expectations at all. I am very much in the minority with this opinion though!
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
I feel that, on a very deep level!!! The distraction in particular. I am actually relieved that you said that about Lessons in Chemistry. I have tried to read it – twice, so far – and I had such a hard time getting into it. I didn’t really feel drawn in by either the story or the characters. I keep thinking it must get better since everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) seems to love it. But I have a sneaking doubt that it will end up working for me. I’ll probably give it one more go at some point, but I’ll keep your meh response to it in the back of my mind to comfort me that I’m not the only one who isn’t super enthralled by it if it doesn’t get better!
I could have included do many more than 10 thus week, including both Lessons in Chemistry (heard so much good about it) and Nightcrawling…!
Oh me too! I selected somewhat randomly…