This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Ten Books I’m Not Sure I Want To Read. Oh, what a good topic!

1. Allegiant – Veronica Roth

Seeing as I didn’t much like Insurgent and then had this definitively spoiled for me, I’ve rather gone off the prospect.

2. Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I read somewhere that there’s a horrendous scene in this book involving a horse, and even though it has been highly recommended to me in the past, I know I can’t handle it.

3. Unravel Me/Ignite Me – Tahereh Mafi

I really did not enjoy the beginning of Shatter Me. The writing style rubbed me entirely the wrong way – I found it pretentious, tedious and just plain irritating. By the end of the book I had either gotten used to it or the writing had improved, so it was somewhat redeemed for me…. but still, I’ve been putting off the rest of the series for months.

4. The Shiver Trilogy – Maggie Stiefvater

I love Maggie. She’s one of my favourites on Twitter, these books have coloured print (how cool is that???) and I have heard wonderful things about this series. I have tried to read it twice, and not made it very far. The I read The Raven Boys, which I really wanted to love. And in certain ways, I did. The writing was amazing – to the point where I seriously considered underlining, which I NEVER do. But I wasn’t satisfied by the end of the first book, and I was left with all sorts of questions and bits that confused me. So I haven’t felt inspired to pick any of these up.

5. Dear Life (etc.) – Alice Munro

Confession time: I’ve never read any Munro. *Hangs head in shame* I should. I really should. Not only did she recently win the Nobel Prize, but she’s Canadian – and the namesake of one of my all-time favourite bookstores growing up, Munro’s. So I know I need to give her a shot. I even have a box set of her books. But I’m not generally a fan of short stories or of Canadian fiction, and so somehow I just never get round to it.

6. The Historian – Elizabeth Kostova

I got about halfway through this book and while part of me was intrigued, another part of me felt quite exhausted by the whole thing. It’s a lot of effort, this book. I’m still on the fence as to whether I’d like to give it another go.

7. Trainspotting (etc.) – Irvine Welsh

Between the dialect and Welsh’s knack for creating incredibly evocative portrayals of the most dreadful elements of the human condition, I’m not entirely sure it’s a good idea.

8. City of Lost Souls/Heavenly Fire – Cassandra Clare

Oh, this series. Such a strong start, some great characters and elements, but it ended up being far too much whining about boyfriends and girlfriends and I got rather peeved and gave up. Part of me wants to just get it over with and finish it already – but another (so far stronger) part just can’t be assed.

9. The Circle – Dave Eggers

I started this one and it seemed pretty interesting, but it didn’t reach out and grip me by the throat and I got distracted. Doesn’t help that my dad tried to read it and didn’t find it up to much.

10. The Leftovers – Tom Perrotta

Okay, so Karen over at One More Page said this is good, but that it is similar to the TV show in that the plot doesn’t really…. plot. It’s kind of more about people dealing with impossible circumstances as best they can and that that’s sort of the point. Based on the show, which I’m not sure I can handle watching, I’m iffy on this one.

I’m sure there are plenty more, but those are the first that came to mind. What about you guys? And have you read any of these? If so, yay or nay? //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>

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  1. M. says:

    You know what? That was pretty much how I felt. I got halfway. I wanted to know what would happen, but it was taking SO long to get there that I thought bugger this for a lark and started re-reading Harry Potter instead. Which, really, was much better. There's a chance that I'll idly pick it up at some point and give it another go…. but I could also just never touch it again and be fine with that.

  2. M. says:

    You know what? That was pretty much how I felt. I got halfway. I wanted to know what would happen, but it was taking SO long to get there that I thought bugger this for a lark and started re-reading Harry Potter instead. Which, really, was much better. There's a chance that I'll idly pick it up at some point and give it another go…. but I could also just never touch it again and be fine with that.

  3. M. says:

    You know, until I had it spoiled re: Tris, I was looking forward to it, because I thought having Tobias' voice share the narrative would be cool. I might read it eventually, I just really didn't like Insurgent, so I think it's more that that made me less enthusiastic than the spoiling.

    I think I will also finish this series at some point, because I do want to know what happens. Does it get less high school drama-y? Cos that's what I didn't like, that the 4th book was basically all about the love lives. Not what I wanted to know about!

  4. M. says:

    You know, until I had it spoiled re: Tris, I was looking forward to it, because I thought having Tobias' voice share the narrative would be cool. I might read it eventually, I just really didn't like Insurgent, so I think it's more that that made me less enthusiastic than the spoiling.

    I think I will also finish this series at some point, because I do want to know what happens. Does it get less high school drama-y? Cos that's what I didn't like, that the 4th book was basically all about the love lives. Not what I wanted to know about!

  5. Charlotte A says:

    The Historian, for me, was the worst book I have ever read. It felt like a MASSIVE chore to read and it took forever. I've never read anything as slow and exhausting but people seem to love it!

  6. Charlotte A says:

    The Historian, for me, was the worst book I have ever read. It felt like a MASSIVE chore to read and it took forever. I've never read anything as slow and exhausting but people seem to love it!

  7. caitieflum says:

    I actually thought Allegiant was the best book in the series…you will either love it or hate it. It is a fast read, so it won't take too much time.

    If you know what you are getting into, you may like the last two books of the Cassandra Clare series. Is it the best in the world? No. But I thought they were fun reads!

  8. caitieflum says:

    I actually thought Allegiant was the best book in the series…you will either love it or hate it. It is a fast read, so it won't take too much time.

    If you know what you are getting into, you may like the last two books of the Cassandra Clare series. Is it the best in the world? No. But I thought they were fun reads!

  9. M. says:

    Yeah, likewise. I have a feeling it'll just keep getting shuffled off for more attractive books -and it's not like I'm ever going to run out of other books to read!

    Oh man. I read 1-4 and 4 was just a gong show. So much relationship drama, so much angsty whining. I haven't read 5-6, so maybe it gets better and is worth finishing, but based on what I've read so far? You're not missing out by stopping before #4!

    I was glad to have read what I did of The Historian, but it seemed to drag on and lost my interest. Plus I have it on good authority (*ahem* Martha *ahem*) that it's not really worth the time. So I think I'm done with that one!

    Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  10. M. says:

    Yeah, likewise. I have a feeling it'll just keep getting shuffled off for more attractive books -and it's not like I'm ever going to run out of other books to read!

    Oh man. I read 1-4 and 4 was just a gong show. So much relationship drama, so much angsty whining. I haven't read 5-6, so maybe it gets better and is worth finishing, but based on what I've read so far? You're not missing out by stopping before #4!

    I was glad to have read what I did of The Historian, but it seemed to drag on and lost my interest. Plus I have it on good authority (*ahem* Martha *ahem*) that it's not really worth the time. So I think I'm done with that one!

    Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  11. M. says:

    Totally agreed. I wanted to go back and finish The Historian for the same reason – so much build up, it seemed like it MUST be heading somewhere. But if the ending is such a leg-down, then I'm glad I abandoned it!

    YES YES YES. I read the first three books and it was kind of annoying, but enough other stuff happened to balance it out (almost), but then the fourth book is literally just boyfriend drama and UGH. I might finish the series at some point just to know what happens, but honestly it's not super high up on my list.

  12. M. says:

    Totally agreed. I wanted to go back and finish The Historian for the same reason – so much build up, it seemed like it MUST be heading somewhere. But if the ending is such a leg-down, then I'm glad I abandoned it!

    YES YES YES. I read the first three books and it was kind of annoying, but enough other stuff happened to balance it out (almost), but then the fourth book is literally just boyfriend drama and UGH. I might finish the series at some point just to know what happens, but honestly it's not super high up on my list.

  13. M. says:

    Yeah? I've tried to read it numerous times, and it just didn't draw me in. I liked the movie, but that was a lot to do with the actors' portrayals of the characters and not so much to do with the story itself, which is pretty darkside, really. I might try again at some point… but I just don't know!

  14. M. says:

    Yeah? I've tried to read it numerous times, and it just didn't draw me in. I liked the movie, but that was a lot to do with the actors' portrayals of the characters and not so much to do with the story itself, which is pretty darkside, really. I might try again at some point… but I just don't know!

  15. M. says:

    I made it so far in it that I'm still annoyed at myself for not sticking with it the first time, because it was a lot of work and I don't want to start over! I thought it was pretty interesting, though dense and full of detail. But a friend of mine (Martha, further down in the comments) has told me a couple of times that it's not really worth finishing, and I tend to trust her judgement, so I doubt I'll ever get through it! Going to read your post now – don't know if you read replies to your comments, but still hoping you'll change your comments so you don't have to do it through Google+!

  16. M. says:

    I made it so far in it that I'm still annoyed at myself for not sticking with it the first time, because it was a lot of work and I don't want to start over! I thought it was pretty interesting, though dense and full of detail. But a friend of mine (Martha, further down in the comments) has told me a couple of times that it's not really worth finishing, and I tend to trust her judgement, so I doubt I'll ever get through it! Going to read your post now – don't know if you read replies to your comments, but still hoping you'll change your comments so you don't have to do it through Google+!

  17. M. says:

    I have trouble with this one! I think what it comes down to is I *love* Maggie the person (I've had a few exchanges with her on Twitter and she is so, so funny. And I read Raven Boys and thought it was beautifully written… I just found the plot a bit confused and tangenty, which made me dread the idea of reading a whole series that left me feeling so much like I didn't know what was going on. I WANT to love her books. But so far, I can't honestly say that I have. I started Shiver and didn't get very far – it just didn't really grab me. I hope someday I'll make it through, if for no other reason than I want to be really sure I don't like her books before assuming I don't, since I like HER so much!

  18. M. says:

    I have trouble with this one! I think what it comes down to is I *love* Maggie the person (I've had a few exchanges with her on Twitter and she is so, so funny. And I read Raven Boys and thought it was beautifully written… I just found the plot a bit confused and tangenty, which made me dread the idea of reading a whole series that left me feeling so much like I didn't know what was going on. I WANT to love her books. But so far, I can't honestly say that I have. I started Shiver and didn't get very far – it just didn't really grab me. I hope someday I'll make it through, if for no other reason than I want to be really sure I don't like her books before assuming I don't, since I like HER so much!

  19. M. says:

    I completely agree, though I have a hard time abandoning a series – particularly when it's one I *thought* I was going to love, and I've got the next book sitting on my shelf! I have a suspicion that I'm not going to like the progression of the Shatter Me plot – I'm against the bad guy turning into a good guy in this instance, and I get the sense that's where we're headed (though please don't tell me any specifics! I *might* read it still…) I think my main issue with Allegiant wasn't concern that I won't like the ending (I'm pretty sure I won't), but more the fact that a big thing was spoiled for me, so now it feels a bit pointless to read it.

  20. M. says:

    I completely agree, though I have a hard time abandoning a series – particularly when it's one I *thought* I was going to love, and I've got the next book sitting on my shelf! I have a suspicion that I'm not going to like the progression of the Shatter Me plot – I'm against the bad guy turning into a good guy in this instance, and I get the sense that's where we're headed (though please don't tell me any specifics! I *might* read it still…) I think my main issue with Allegiant wasn't concern that I won't like the ending (I'm pretty sure I won't), but more the fact that a big thing was spoiled for me, so now it feels a bit pointless to read it.

  21. M. says:

    I've heard C&P is good, and I had planned to read it, but I heard that there's a scene where a horse is being forced to pull a cart that's too heavy for it and being whipped and it gets really badly injured or something…. which really put me off! I'd be interested to know if I was misinformed though – because other than that it has sounded like a worthwhile read!

    Yeah, I think that part of it is that I'm in my early 30s, so I have less patient with writing that seems overly juvenile or that tries to be arty and just becomes overdone. I tried to be patient with it because I'd heard such good things and because I know she's a young author, so I tried to contextualize it – but annoying is just annoying after a while! I was glad I finished the book, but I didn't end it feeling like I was desperate to dive into the next one, either!

  22. M. says:

    I've heard C&P is good, and I had planned to read it, but I heard that there's a scene where a horse is being forced to pull a cart that's too heavy for it and being whipped and it gets really badly injured or something…. which really put me off! I'd be interested to know if I was misinformed though – because other than that it has sounded like a worthwhile read!

    Yeah, I think that part of it is that I'm in my early 30s, so I have less patient with writing that seems overly juvenile or that tries to be arty and just becomes overdone. I tried to be patient with it because I'd heard such good things and because I know she's a young author, so I tried to contextualize it – but annoying is just annoying after a while! I was glad I finished the book, but I didn't end it feeling like I was desperate to dive into the next one, either!

  23. Martha Woods says:

    As someone who slogged through Allegiant only to be angry about it for a week afterwards, I say, don't waste your time! It was a terrible end to the trilogy. Also, The Historian: again, don't waste your time; pick up something else more interesting. I made myself finish it because I was hoping it would have a really cool ending, but in the end I felt like I'd wasted a whole weekend that could have been spent reading other things.

    I tried to get into Clare's books but I just couldn't. I don't like heroines who do nothing but think about boys. Gets my feminist ire up. 🙂

  24. Martha Woods says:

    As someone who slogged through Allegiant only to be angry about it for a week afterwards, I say, don't waste your time! It was a terrible end to the trilogy. Also, The Historian: again, don't waste your time; pick up something else more interesting. I made myself finish it because I was hoping it would have a really cool ending, but in the end I felt like I'd wasted a whole weekend that could have been spent reading other things.

    I tried to get into Clare's books but I just couldn't. I don't like heroines who do nothing but think about boys. Gets my feminist ire up. 🙂

  25. Nicole Lynn says:

    I've read Divergent, but haven't gotten to the rest of the series. Divergent was pretty good, but I'm not sure how I feel about moving on in the series. I'm definitely still thinking it over.

    The only other books I've read on your list is the Mortal Instrument series. I've only read books 1-3. I really enjoyed those, but I haven't gotten to book 4 yet. I thought it was mainly because I was distracted with a lot of other stories on my TBR, but I think now after seeing it pop up on a lot of people's lists today, that I'm just lacking a strong interest/motivation to continue with the series. I might eventually get back to it just to finish it, but it probably won't be any time soon.

    I have been wanting to give The Shiver trilogy a try since it's intrigued me. It's still on my radar, I just haven't picked up book one yet. I haven't read anything else by her either, so I can't comment yet on whether I'll like her writing style yet or not.

    I also have The Historian sitting on my shelf, but haven't attempted it yet.

    Thanks for your list! Great post 🙂

  26. Nicole Lynn says:

    I've read Divergent, but haven't gotten to the rest of the series. Divergent was pretty good, but I'm not sure how I feel about moving on in the series. I'm definitely still thinking it over.

    The only other books I've read on your list is the Mortal Instrument series. I've only read books 1-3. I really enjoyed those, but I haven't gotten to book 4 yet. I thought it was mainly because I was distracted with a lot of other stories on my TBR, but I think now after seeing it pop up on a lot of people's lists today, that I'm just lacking a strong interest/motivation to continue with the series. I might eventually get back to it just to finish it, but it probably won't be any time soon.

    I have been wanting to give The Shiver trilogy a try since it's intrigued me. It's still on my radar, I just haven't picked up book one yet. I haven't read anything else by her either, so I can't comment yet on whether I'll like her writing style yet or not.

    I also have The Historian sitting on my shelf, but haven't attempted it yet.

    Thanks for your list! Great post 🙂

  27. Kate @ Fictional Thoughts says:

    I've not read many of these. A lot of them are ones I'm putting off for whatever reasons. I did like the ending of Allegiant but I was a fan of the previous books. And I think the writing style of the Shatter Me series did improve with each book but I didn't like how they went plot wise. Life is too short to read books we're not interested in.

    Kate @ Fictional Thoughts

  28. Kate @ Fictional Thoughts says:

    I've not read many of these. A lot of them are ones I'm putting off for whatever reasons. I did like the ending of Allegiant but I was a fan of the previous books. And I think the writing style of the Shatter Me series did improve with each book but I didn't like how they went plot wise. Life is too short to read books we're not interested in.

    Kate @ Fictional Thoughts

  29. Renae @ Respiring Thoughts says:

    I've read Crime and Punishment and enjoyed it; unfortunately, I don't remember any scenes with horses, horrendous or otherwise. Maybe I blocked it out…

    Tahereh Mafi's books are on my list also. I enjoyed Shatter Me, but it was like one of the first YA books I ever ever read, a few years back. Not sure I'd enjoy it much now.

  30. Renae @ Respiring Thoughts says:

    I've read Crime and Punishment and enjoyed it; unfortunately, I don't remember any scenes with horses, horrendous or otherwise. Maybe I blocked it out…

    Tahereh Mafi's books are on my list also. I enjoyed Shatter Me, but it was like one of the first YA books I ever ever read, a few years back. Not sure I'd enjoy it much now.

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