Top Ten Tuesday - New

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Books/Movies To Read Or Watch To Get In The Halloween Spirit. Okay, so admission time. I’m a total wuss. So though I enjoy the spirit of Halloween, I do it without getting overly spooky. I like the warm-and-cosy-with-spooky-edges type of Halloween entertainment. Here’s what I’ve got in mind:

1. The Harry Potter movies. And the Harry Potter books. 

Harry Potter - Hogwarts Dining Hall Halloween GIF

Well, I mean, really. PUMPKIN JUICE.

2. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman

Because Graveyard and boy named Nobody Owens who’s raised by ghosts.

3. The Nightmare Before Christmas (this goes for Halloween and Christmas equally.)

The Nightmare Before Christmas - Jack Halloween GIF

I just love this story. I dunno, maybe I can relate a bit to the character who just wants to understand happiness and joy but can’t quite get there. Not that I’m all dark and twisty, but I’ve got my dark corners.

4. The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Intro GIF

Okay, I was watching it anyway so it’s a bit of a cheat. But it’s gotta count.

5. Buffy/Angel

Buffy Halloween Oz God GIF

I can’t explain why, but I just love Buffy. Angel is good, too, but Buffy is…. well, Buffy.

6. Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rocky Horror Antici... GIF

What’s Halloween without fishnets?

Here are some Halloweeny books I haven’t read yet but want to:

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness       Warm Bodies - Isaac Marion       Nightmares! - Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller


Horrorstor - Grady Hendrix

Okay, so not the scariest roundup, but I enjoy some giggles with my creepy. Did I miss any truly great Halloween classics that won’t cause me to give up sleep for a year? Which are your favourites? Share in the comments!


  1. M. says:

    You know what? I can find every season in Harry Potter. I'd say that's the magic of it…. except there's actual magic. Oh, I so miss Buffy!

  2. M. says:

    You know what? I can find every season in Harry Potter. I'd say that's the magic of it…. except there's actual magic. Oh, I so miss Buffy!

  3. M. says:

    I watched some HP this weekend! Such a good idea. Oz is wonderful – I think he was pretty much my favourite character in the entire series (except Giles). I loved his sense of humour. I honestly didn't notice the creepy faces until I got it and now I'm kind of scared to read it…..Maybe I'll let you go first!

  4. M. says:

    I watched some HP this weekend! Such a good idea. Oz is wonderful – I think he was pretty much my favourite character in the entire series (except Giles). I loved his sense of humour. I honestly didn't notice the creepy faces until I got it and now I'm kind of scared to read it…..Maybe I'll let you go first!

  5. M. says:

    I nearly forgot it too! I originally had Supernatural in that spot. Which is fair enough, but let's be honest. You can't limit Dean to Halloween. He's a year-round thing.

  6. M. says:

    I nearly forgot it too! I originally had Supernatural in that spot. Which is fair enough, but let's be honest. You can't limit Dean to Halloween. He's a year-round thing.

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