Top Ten Tuesday - New


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Characters I’d Want with Me On a Desert Island! Let’s see if I make it to 10…

1. Hermione Granger, because of COURSE.

Hermione Draco Punch GIF

2. Dumbledore. What? There’s nothing in the rules about one character per book.

Harry Potter - Dumbledore Happiness GIF

3. Gandalf. You know, in case something happens to my other two magical folk.

Gandalf GIF Lord of the Rings

4. Katniss Everdeen, because MAD SKILLS.

Hunger Games Katniss Archery GIF

5. Loki, because at least then I’d never get bored.

Loki Thank You GIF

6. Sherlock Holmes, because who knows what important, life-saving information is in that head of his?

Sherlock Mind Castle GIF

7. Watson, because he’s a doctor. Plus he (or she, depending on the version) can blog about the mysteries we solve while we’re stranded. Like the case of the missing coconuts.

Sherlock Watson Brilliant GIF

8. Lassie, because even though I don’t read books with animals, I’m pretty sure she’s good at going for help or getting people out of wells or something. Plus puppy cuddles!


9. Deuce (or Fade), just in case there are zombies on the island.


10. I can’t think of any more, so I’m cheating a bit and making my tenth a character from a movie. Wilson, because he’s a great conversationalist.

Castaway Wilson


What about you guys? Who would you want stranded with you on a desert island?


  1. M. says:

    OMG I absolutely LOVE James Herriot. My family are all British, and my grandmother had his books in the spare room when I visited as a kid. Pretty soon I'd read every last one. So good! But no one has ever heard of him! You just made my entire year.

  2. M. says:

    OMG I absolutely LOVE James Herriot. My family are all British, and my grandmother had his books in the spare room when I visited as a kid. Pretty soon I'd read every last one. So good! But no one has ever heard of him! You just made my entire year.

  3. M. says:

    You can TOTALLY come live on my island. You can take Wilson's place, because he'll probably end up getting washed out to sea anyway, and at least you (I assume) can swim. My only rule is no bogarting the wizards. (Also it will work out perfectly because I love coconut and hate mango, so we won't even have to fight over food.)

  4. M. says:

    You can TOTALLY come live on my island. You can take Wilson's place, because he'll probably end up getting washed out to sea anyway, and at least you (I assume) can swim. My only rule is no bogarting the wizards. (Also it will work out perfectly because I love coconut and hate mango, so we won't even have to fight over food.)

  5. Cait says:

    Can I come stay on your island? CAN I COME AND NEVER LEAVE??!! You have the most epic gathering here! And with Dumbledore AND Gandalf??! I think you'd be in perfectly safe hands. x)
    My TTT!

  6. Cait says:

    Can I come stay on your island? CAN I COME AND NEVER LEAVE??!! You have the most epic gathering here! And with Dumbledore AND Gandalf??! I think you'd be in perfectly safe hands. x)
    My TTT!

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