This ties in nicely with last week’s post about Crayola colours! I’ve used a couple of the same ones for this post as well, but hey, colour is colour, right?

I don’t feel like these require any explanations, really, just… you know, colour. What about you guys? Any stand-out colourful covers you found this week? Have you read any of these books?
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.
Amazing colors. Wow. I think book cover designers are finally getting it right. My TTT is off-topic, again
It’s interesting timing because there has been a ton of chatter about the drama surrounding the cover reveal of Sally Rooney’s new novel. I read an article about how cover designers are starting to get more attention and designs are being given more attention as people are increasingly judging books based on a quick look at a cover online. Mind you, I’ve always judged books at least partially for their covers!
These are all very colorful! Nice list!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Thank you!
Pretty colorful, all right! I don’t pay much attention to book covers, so I had do a twist on this topic!
Haha! Good for you – I think I pay too MUCH attention to them!
Totally off topic, but The Little Old Lady Strikes Again is potentially one of the best book titles I’ve ever heard!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/04/20/top-ten-tuesday-312/
Hahaha! I know, right? I haven’t read it yet, but somehow it keeps coming to mind!
Have you had a chance to read Concrete Rose yet? It’s on my TBR and I’m so curious about it. 🙂
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-colourful-book-covers/
So…. yes, I’ve had the chance… but no, I haven’t read it yet! I’m in that thing where I really, really want to read it, but at the same time I really really want to save it. I’m torn. I have it on my shelf, but I have so far been able to restrain myself. I expect to cave sometime in the next two months, though.