I’ve had a pretty darn good reading year this year. I’ve got lots of new favourites, but interestingly they’ve mostly been non-fiction. A good chunk were memoirs – ones about interactions with nature, others about special interests, others about mental health or neurodiversity, and some were about more than one of these. But each of these books made me feel a connection in one way or another with the writer(s), most taught me something, and all of them drew me into their world and made me want to stay a while. I’d recommend any of these!






That’s it for this week – and, indeed, for the year! I hope you’ve had a wonderful reading year and that you’ve found books you’ve loved as much as I’ve loved these. Here’s to an even better reading year in 2024!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.


    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Oh, mine as well. It was a lovely surprise – so well written, well plotted and just the most magnetically charismatic voice I’ve encountered in a book in a long time. The story was excellent, but even if it hadn’t been I would have enjoyed spending time with Demon Copperhead telling me whatever he wanted to share!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Oh I adore Hannah Gadsby! Her stuff is definitely not for the faint of heart, but it’s just so darn good that it’s always worth it. I’d recommend giving it a try if you can handle the darker stuff she has included in her shows (Nanette in particular) and enjoy her way of talking and her humour. I do, and this was just brilliant!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I enjoyed it, but I don’t really remember much of it. I need to read it again. I just finished the sequel – Knitting Pearls – and I liked that one as well. They include patterns, which is cool, and have a good variety of writers from the well known to ones I’d never heard of sharing a really wide variety of stories that involve knitting. If you’re interested in fibre crafts, it will probably have something that you will enjoy!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I did, but I will say I don’t think it’ll be for everyone. Yarn crafts are one of my hyperfocus hobbies, so for me it was like having a book-length infodump session with someone who really got my interest. It was interesting in terms of learning how yarn is created – from sheering right on through. I hadn’t learned much about some of the steps in the process, and her novice account of trying to learn these very skill-based tasks was fascinating to me as well! If it’s your kind of thing I think you’ll enjoy it!

  1. Lexlingua says:

    Somehow, Farm City is what drew my eye the most – perhaps, because I have lately picked up gardening as a hobby! I am going to look up these books on Goodreads, they are all new to me.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Me too! I’m obsessed – I have been forcing my family to watch Gardener’s World and Love Your Garden, my kid and I have listened to Monty Don’s podcast episodes and books, I’ve been learning about how to grow all kinds of things (I finally have a garden for the first time in decades, so it’s coming in useful!). If you have any books to recommend or want someone to chat plants with, I’d love to hear about what you’re learning!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Demon Copperhead was just so brilliant. I am so grateful to have read it – the voice of the book completely won me over within pages, and the whole book carried that same tone. I loved it, even though the subject matter is one I can’t usually handle. I’m so jealous! I’ve never seen Gadsby, but I’ve watched all her shows that are available online and I adore her. Her books is fantastic and I am planning to re-read it soon! Happy New Year to you as well!

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