I’m writing this in advance, so this is more the books I added to my shelves before the second week of January. And they’re ones I’m very excited about!


These two were presents from my wonderful husband for Christmas. I have yet to get into Elena Ferrante’s work, though I’ve read small bits here and there. So I’m excited for this book, which is a collection of writing from the year-long collaboration she worked on with The Guardian (also the only newspaper I regularly read). Here’s what really got me excited:

“For a full year she penned short pieces, the subjects of which were suggested by editors at the Guardian, turning the writing process into a kind of prolonged interlocution; the subjects ranged from first love to climate change, from enmity among women to the adaptation of her novels to film and TV.”

Does that not sound intriguing? I’m so excited. And then we have The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, which has been talked about far and wide in the past few months. It seems to have deeply connected with a very wide audience in a short period of time, and I’d like to find out why for myself!


Long Bright River is the group read for Acacia Ives‘ Patreon group for January. It’s a long one, and it wasn’t even published until the end of the first week of January, so I’m not sure if I’ll finish it, but I’ve been wanting to read Liz Moore for years now and never managed to get to her books. So I’m excited to give her a try! I’ve already finished Such A Fun Age, and my full review will be coming soon! You’ll likely remember that Bernardine Evaristo’s Booker winning novel Girl, Woman, Other was one of my favourites of 2019. Mr. Loverman is probably her second best known book, and the premise is an interesting one! Invisible Women is all about the things in our world that are designed for men, but that women must navigate, use and trust their lives to on a daily basis. It is, as one might imagine, a very long book.


I’ve heard a lot of interesting things about On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, and then it was chosen as one of the best books of the year at a few of my favourite British bookshops and that made me think I should give it a try. Three Women also made those lists, hence its sudden appearance on my shelves as well. As for The Dutch House, it didn’t appeal that much at first. But then the reviews started rolling in and man, were people digging it. I’ve meant to read Patchett for years, but never gotten around to any of her books, so I figured why not? Then there’s the final book on the list. I’ve never read anything by Alain de Botton before, but I remember catching a few excerpts of videos of his lectures and some of his ideas were interesting, so I’d like to find out more.

What about you guys? Have you added any new books to your shelves in the new year? Have you read any of these books, and if so did you love them? Share, share, share!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.


  1. Dedra @ A Book Wanderer says:

    I really want to read Such A Fun Age, but I didn’t get approved for the arc so I’ll have to wait. And I won a copy of Three Women that I still need to get to. I’ll be anxious to hear what you thought of them!

    My <a href=”“>Top Ten Tuesday

  2. Savannah @ Playing in the Pages says:

    I got both The Dutch House and Three Women towards the end of 2019, but haven’t gotten a chance to pick them up yet… but I keep seeing everyone talk about Such a Fun Age, and might have to go out and grab that one, too!

  3. dinipandareads says:

    These are some great additions to your shelf! I’m really excited to try Long Bright River and Such A Fun Age this year. I’ve been hearing some really good things about both books! Hope you enjoy them all 🙂

    My <a href=”“>TTT

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