Top Ten Tuesday - New


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Ten Favourite Top Ten Tuesday Topics. I’ve been doing this link-up for a whiiiiiiiile now, and I honestly couldn’t even list ten topics off the top of my head, but here are a few that jumped out from as far back as I could handle looking:

  • Deliciously Tragic Books – You know those books you read that tear your guts out yet leave you feeling grateful for the experience? This is a list of the ones that made me bleed the most but that I recommend without hesitation.
  • Favourite Authors – This was a really tough one, because I love all the authors! But these are the ones that, after a lot of agonizing, made the cut.
  • Books for Readers Who Like Books About Reading – I feel like this particular sub-genre is one that I always find satisfying. Books about reading let me enjoy the process of reading while reading about the very thing I’m enjoying. Confused yet? Doesn’t matter, these books are worth it.
  • Favourite Literary Heroines – Everyone loves a heroine, and there are so many excellent ones to choose from.
  • Book Problems – There are some common issues we, as readers, have to deal with. These are the most common.
  • Books I’d Love To Read If I Had A Book Club – So far I haven’t found a book club to join where I live, but that doesn’t stop me making lists of the books I wish I could discuss and reading other people’s lists of great book club reads.
  • Books That Weren’t What I Expected – Every once in a while I go into a book with a preconception that turns out to be entirely wrong – sometimes in the most wonderful way.
  • Supporting Characters I Wish Would Get Their Own Books – I’m sure this is a common frustration you’ve all experienced – you’re reading a fantastic book, and the main characters are fantastic, but there’s that one supporting character you just wish you could spend some more time with.
  • Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit – I love literary travel. I love the vicarious thrill of stepping into a new city or country and experiencing the foreign smells, sights and sounds. I can’t travel to all the places I want to see, but I can read about them! And let’s face it, sometimes that’s almost better because while it can be entertaining to read about horrendous hotels and missed plane connections, actually dealing with everything that goes wrong while traveling is another thing entirely.
  • Books For Readers Who Like Character-Driven Novels – I love a good thriller, but sometimes you need a book that really gets down and dirty in the lives of its characters so you feel, by the end of the novel, that you’re a part of their lives.
  • Books For Adults New To the Young Adult Genre – There’s a lot of judgment out there surrounding adults who read Young Adult books. I get it, and I definitely couldn’t handle reading them exclusively, but I’ve found so many in the past two years that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and found contained plenty of depth and texture in spite of the intended audience. Here are the YA books I’d recommend to an adult reader willing to give them a shot.
  • Characters I’d Want With Me On A Desert Island – Some of these are fairly obvious (anyone with magic is a pretty safe choice for any kind of desperate situation), but others are just for fun.
  • Book Covers I’d Frame As Pieces of Art – I am guilty (though I don’t feel guilty about it at all) of picking books based nearly entirely on their covers quite frequently. Rules are made to be broken.

So there you be, my favourite Top Ten Tuesday topics from the past year or so. Hopefully there are a few in there that are new to you and that you get a giggle (or, better yet, a new book rec) from! Which topics did you like the most? Share in the comments!


  1. M. says:

    Likewise. Some more than others, of course, but I like the ones that end up somewhere different than I anticipated. And it's always fun to think back over books I haven't even glanced at in years to remember why I loved them so much!

  2. M. says:

    Likewise. Some more than others, of course, but I like the ones that end up somewhere different than I anticipated. And it's always fun to think back over books I haven't even glanced at in years to remember why I loved them so much!

  3. M. says:

    I know, right? I started off with like 20, and I know I ended up with more than 10, but it was the best I could do at narrowing it down!

  4. M. says:

    I know, right? I started off with like 20, and I know I ended up with more than 10, but it was the best I could do at narrowing it down!

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