Well, this post could go on forever. I only read 30 books last year (though sadly that is pretty much normal for me in the past few years), so the list of books I didn’t read is way, way longer. Here are a few that I either started and haven’t finished yet or that I really, really wanted to get to!

Books I started:




Books I really wanted to get to but didn’t… yet:








And this is just scratching the surface. There are so many books I’m DYING to dive right into and not come up for air until I’m done. I could read for a week straight only pausing to eat snacks and maaaaaybe sleep a little. I could use some time to just focus on me and what I need, and not have to worry about anything else.

Which books do you guys wish you’d found time for last year? Any you’re planning to read this year? Any of these on your list or that you read last year? If so, what has you interested in them or what did you think?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.


    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Tell me about it! You’d think, even with a little one, that being in isolation for a year would have netted more reading time, but somehow I ended up feeling like I had less. Or, more accurately, what time I did have ended up going to things that either had to be done or that were easier to do. I’m hoping to get back on track a bit for 2021, but I still expect some good reading months and some absolutely desert-like dry spells. Such is life, it seems! (I’m commenting a few weeks late, because that’s apparently how I roll, on the plus side I can report that from here things are looking up! I’ve rediscovered my library and their wonderful audiobook selections and sped through three in the past week – two from this list!)

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I dream of a full weekend when I could sleep in, wake up and start reading in bed, wander out for some food, curl up and read some more, maybe have a shower and order some takeout and then flop back into my recliner and keep going all day long. That would be so wonderful! I can’t even remember what that was like anymore!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I started it as an audiobook, which is great as McConaughey reads it, but does mean you miss out on all the pictures and scanned journal entries. So I think I want to go back and try to find a way of combining the two. Either listening and flipping pages at the same time, or reading a chapter then going through it in the book to see the pics when it’s still fresh. Both formats are great, but have different things going for them! I’m glad to hear he enjoyed it so much. So far I love the mixture of introspection, reflection and humour. It’s a good tone, for sure!

  1. hopewellslibraryoflife says:

    We have a lot of the same books on our TBR. I am reading Wintering now and loving it. I am enjoying Shadow King but I have to be “up” for it–it is a lot to take in with war, etc. When I pick it up I do love it, but I cannot read it for hours and hours. I will definitely finish it.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I just borrowed the audio of Wintering from my library, so hoping to get to it soon! I have that hesitation about Shadow King. It is about a set of historical events I know so little about, but need to learn more about, but I know it’s going to be hard going. I keep looking at it and guiltily selecting something that doesn’t require as much from me, but I need to find a mental space for it this year!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I feel like I need to re-read the first one because, while I remember the broad strokes, I’ve lost the individual characters and plot details, and I feel like I’ll lose out on this one without that fresh in my mind. So who knows when I’ll find time to go back and do that! I haven’t read any Backman yet! I listened to the radio play of Britt Marie Was Here, which I absolutely adored, but that was dramatized so I don’t know if it was the dramatization or Backman’s work that appealed to me. I need to give him a proper try and find out! Thanks for the feedback – it’s great to hear such a positive response!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      So have I! It seems like one that will require some emotional input though, and I keep feeling like I am not up to it. It isn’t long though, so maybe I’ll manage to get to it one of these days!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      So I’m waaaaay behind on comments, which is obviously not ideal, except I can report that as of today I have finished Transcendent Kingdom! I listened to the audiobook, which I’d highly recommend. I found it easier to get into than I expected and it had some really interesting relationships and ideas in it. Covers a lot of important issues, too – religion, addiction, depression, immigration, single parenthood, sibling relationships, etc. A lot to unpack, but presented really well. I got on with this way better than Homegoing, which I tried several times and never managed to get into!

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