Top Ten Tuesday REWIND! – Books I Just HAD to Buy… But Are Still Sitting On My Bookshelf

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is a REWIND – so I get to pick my own topic from any I’ve missed! Oh, goody! It was tough to pick, but I finally settled on: Books I Just HAD To Buy… But Are Still Sitting On My Bookshelf. Oh, this is an easy one!

1. More Than This by Patrick Ness: I was intrigued by both the cover and the premise of this book. In case you haven’t seen it in person, that window is actually a cutout. And the hardcover doesn’t have a slip jacket – it’s just printed right on the cardboard. Love it. There’s no good reason I haven’t gotten to this – I’ve heard good things, and nary a spoiler – but somehow I just haven’t gotten to it.

2. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: I’ve heard so much talk about this one. I kept meaning to buy it, and never getting around to it. Then one day I was in the bookstore, and I just grabbed it. On a total whim. Maybe that’s why I haven’t worked it into my reading list in any solid way – I keep forgetting I have it! 

3. Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whalley: Well, just look at the awards! I think it was just bad timing – I got this around the same time as a bunch of other books (mostly by John Green) that eclipsed it. 

4. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: I’ve actually started this one. I’ve started and liked this one. But I think I’m having trouble both with getting comfortable in the familiar Cinderella plot and the unfamiliar futuristic setting. It’s a bit jarring, and my mind feels like it’s playing tug of war. 


5. Pivot Point by Kasie West: Well this is your fault, really. Y’all have been talking about it non-stop since it was released. Also: pretty cover!

6. Fin & Lady by Cathleen Schine: This one was totally down to the cover. I read mediocre reviews of it and I still had to have it. But I think it’s the mediocre reviews that have kept it from the very top of the reading list.

7. Perfect Ruin by Lauren Destefano: Again – amazing cover, mediocre reviews.

8. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin: I honestly don’t know why I haven’t read this one yet. I’ve even picked it up and started to read it about 5 times, never getting past the first few pages. And I can’t even tell you why I put it down and didn’t pick it back up again right away. Maybe it’s because I haven’t read much about it and I’m not even entirely sure what it’s about. Maybe it’s because the cover isn’t as bright and shiny as some of the others on my shelf. But whatever the reason, it’s still sitting there.

9. Splintered by A. G. Howard: OMG just look at it. And the text inside is purple. And…. well, just look at it again. I think I’m worried (despite rave reviews) that the insides won’t measure up to the outsides, which would make me sad.

10. Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion: I loved this movie. I mean, loved it. I really enjoyed the inner narrative of the main character, the humour in it and that it was the first time I’d encountered zombies as sentient beings – much less the romantic interest in a romcom. It intrigued me, and I wanted to know if the book was as good. I think I started reading it when I was on a plane or something, and it ended up in the post-vacation time suck vortex where you start a book when you’re on holiday but then the process of getting back into your everyday routine sidetracks you and you lose track of where you were. I plan to revisit it next October.

…And pretty much all the classics ever.

Well, I think that’s it for another Top Ten Tuesday! But I’d like to know: which books are languishing on your shelves? Which of these can you just not believe I haven’t read yet? Share in the comments!  
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