I’m sort of on a constant spring clean of books – I find that every time I get rid of the books that are on the bottom of my list, new ones move down that just a week earlier I didn’t think I could part with. So I try to constantly re-assess my shelves and pull out the ones that are least likely to be picked up so I can pass them on to friends or family or give them to my local thrift store for someone else to find and enjoy.
This list is some of the most recent batch. Some of these I’ve read and don’t think I’ll ever read again, some I have ebooks of too and don’t need on my shelves and some I just don’t think I’ll get to (but might if you say so!).
Books I’m getting rid of because I’ve got an electronic version:
Books I read and won’t ever go back to:
Books I either tried and didn’t get into in the first chapter or don’t ever seem to want to pick up:
There are more, but these are the ones I’m either conflicted about or most sure of. Here’s where you guys come in, though. The books in the last section are ones I’m considering getting rid of – but I’m not sure. You’ve got a chance to either let me know they’re not worth keeping or change my mind – did you read and love any of these? Why should or shouldn’t I get rid of them? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.
I LOVED American Housewife and enjoyed Mrs Byrd–I reviewed both on my blog.
Thanks! I did read Mrs. Bird and I enjoyed it well enough, but had some issues with it. I am fine to have read it, but I don’t think I’ll ever read it again, so I think I can pass it along to another reader! (Shame, because I have a signed copy and everything!) Thanks for the feedback on American Housewife – I’ll give it a try!
Yeah, I feel the same about One Day in December, I already gave away my copy to a friend who’ll love it more, I think 😀 Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/spring-book-unhaul/
Yeah, I found it weirdly depressing!
Oh man, I’m right there with you on One Day in December… it’s hard to believe that was such a hyped title when it first came out!
Yeah, I mean at the time I think I thought it was okay, but the longer I am from reading it, the more the memory I have is just, “well, that was not what I signed up for.” It was kind of weird, oddly a downer and I really couldn’t root for the couple anyway. Mostly a mess! Glad I’m not alone!
I had the same reaction to Ghost Wall to be honest.
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-about-fresh-starts/
Glad it’s not just me!
I really liked The Two Family House. I listened to it on audio so maybe that helped?
I haven’t tried it at all yet, but now I will! Thank you!
I feel the same way about One Day in December.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
I really wanted to love it, but I just didn’t!
I dnf’d the Stella Fortuna book when I had it as an ARC from Netgalley last year. Not sure why but it just didn’t keep my attention so you are not alone with that one.
I remember trying and DNFing, but I honestly don’t even remember what I read anymore!
Good for you. Lighten the load. My TTT Spring Cleaning post
Plus I figure if I get rid of a whole lot of books, then it’s okay to buy a couple of new ones, right? (Don’t answer that.)
Absolutely. (Sorry. Had to answer.)