I mean seriously, can you think of a better badass girl role model for teenagers? (You know, apart from Buffy, who was the original awesome blonde ass-kicker.) Not only does she stick up for herself (and others), but she’s smart, creative and persistent. All things I aspire to.
Anyway, I coincidentally stumbled across a trailer for the new Veronica Mars movie that’s in the works (*squee!!!!*):
I may or may not have also gone looking for books that bear a resemblance in plot and/or character to the show, and stumbled across this. Yes, that’s right. There’s going to be a Veronica Mars BOOK. Actually, a 2-part book series (and I’m already crossing my fingers for it to be a smash hit and end up with even more sequels). Do I dare hope for the awesome it has the potential to be???
The stars have really aligned, because just as I was about to publish this post, an email arrived in my inbox offering 50% off the top 50 pre-orders of 2014 at Chapters. Inclucing the Veronica Mars book. From now until Jan. 6th it’s just $8.50! Yeah. You prolly wanna get on that.
(Oh, and if you’re curious as to what books I found in my search for existing Veronica-esque literature, you can find a pretty good list here. Further suggestions welcomed in the comments!)
Oooooh! I didn't know about that one – definitely gotta look it up. Thanks!
Oooooh! I didn't know about that one – definitely gotta look it up. Thanks!
I am also a huge VM fan girl and am so excited about the movie. Definitely now intrigued by the books as well – thanks! I already own but have not yet read Rats Saw God, a YA novel written by Rob Thomas the creator of VM. It's supposed to be pretty good though don't know if its Veronica good.
I am also a huge VM fan girl and am so excited about the movie. Definitely now intrigued by the books as well – thanks! I already own but have not yet read Rats Saw God, a YA novel written by Rob Thomas the creator of VM. It's supposed to be pretty good though don't know if its Veronica good.
You really, really do. It's so good! Also yeah, I'm about that excited too.
You really, really do. It's so good! Also yeah, I'm about that excited too.
I need to get my ass in gear and check all this out. Especially the show. My younger bro just about peed his pants when I showed him the trailer. I think he's excited. Maybe.
I need to get my ass in gear and check all this out. Especially the show. My younger bro just about peed his pants when I showed him the trailer. I think he's excited. Maybe.