This is a tricky one. I’m not someone who really has specific talents. When I asked the husband, he said my talents are managing multiple medical conditions simultaneously (though it was then pointed out that doesn’t necessarily mean managing them well), and making my kid laugh. Well, okay then. I’ll take it.

Serious answer though, I think one thing that I’m proud of is that I know a little bit about a lot of things. I know enough about hummingbirds to keep their feeders going and them visiting us. I know how to knit, though not well enough to do it fast or make large things. I can make friendship bracelets (something that has been useless for decades, but is coming back around with a little one). I can bake (at least relatively simple things). I can sew (I even made a few items of clothing without patterns when I was broke in college). I can do basic things around the house. I can grow a garden. I’m becoming better at trivia, especially if it’s to do with books. I can put up a tent and start a fire. I can speak and understand basic Spanish and French. I can usually fix a running toilet, find studs to hang a shelf, know basic woodwork and can (usually) figure out how to put together IKEA furniture. Et cetera. Basically, I’m decent at learning how to do new things, but lack the dedication to become truly excellent at any other than mothering (on a good day). But I actually like it that way, because I like knowing a bit about many different things. Most recently that’s been figuring out how to keep my kid learning, busy and if not always happy, at least entertained enough. I think I’d rather be okay at a bunch of little things than really good at one big thing and useless at everything else, so that works out well for me!

I wrote this a few weeks ago, and since then I’ve mulled this over, and I actually might have a proper answer. I think I’m good at understanding multiple points of view and finding common ground with most people (not talking about political extremists or prejudiced viewpoints or things that are just really really evil). I like understanding people’s experiences and cultures, I like seeing how many different ways there are to be human, and I like trying to approach social interactions with compassion. This has served me particularly well when it comes to motherhood, because I think that just ordering kids to do things and then doling out punishment when they don’t hop to it isn’t a great way to do things for anyone involved. So the fact that my natural tendency is to sit down, ask why my kid doesn’t want to do a particular thing, explain why I want or need it to be done and ask if there’s a way we could get it done together tends to work out better and build more trust and teamwork and a closer bond. So I guess if I had to pick one thing, that would be it.

What about you guys? Is there anything you are really excellent at? Anything funny? Anything you really want to learn how to do?

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a blog hop hosted every Wednesday by Long and Short Reviews. The weekly prompts range widely, including both book-related and non-book-related topics. The idea is to get bloggers to interact, share a bit about their lives and connect with other bloggers. Click here for the list of upcoming topics, and visit here to join in the fun! 


    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thanks! It can be, but it can also lead to giving too much ground in arguments with people who have a harder time seeing other points of view, so it’s one of those blessing/curse things!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thanks! I haven’t commented on yours yet, but I also LOVED your response. I put a lot of effort into finding positives every day and choosing to live in the good bits and appreciate what I have even when things are tough. It is such a valuable skill to have!

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