21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act by Bob Joseph
The Electricity of Every Living Thing by Katherine May
I learned so much from all three of these books, but also they each have great lines that I played with in my mind for a while after hearing them. They all taught me about essential human experiences, about how the world has been shaped and who for, and the strength that can be found in sharing our world with others. All three I would recommend to any and everybody, and are ones I know I’ll go back to multiple times through my life.
What about you guys? Did you manage to find some good quotes? Anyone else have trouble with the specificity of that and choose to change the prompt a little this week?
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a blog hop hosted every Wednesday by Long and Short Reviews. The weekly prompts range widely, including both book-related and non-book-related topics. The idea is to get bloggers to interact, share a bit about their lives and connect with other bloggers. Click here for the list of upcoming topics, and visit here to join in the fun!
Some books have so many good quotes that it’s better to list the entire book anyway.
You are completely right!
Some more books for my list! 🙂🙂
Haha! Glad to help!