Hahahahahaha…. oh, you’re not joking? Well, this is literally impossible for me to answer. I have so many books on my physical and virtual TBR that I could not possibly tell you which have been there the longest. There are a lot of classics I have kicking around that I haven’t yet read – I collect beautiful editions of books so I have a lot of Collins leatherbound classics – various Dickens, The Count of Monte Cristo, some Austen and Brontes (those latter two I have actually read). I also have some Penguin clothbound classics I haven’t read and some Everyman’s Library editions that I’ve read some of and not others. Some that are top of my TBR are Dracula, Frankenstein, Crime and Punishment, The Master and Margarita, Catch 22 and some PG Wodehouse. But honestly there are lots of other books I’ve had longer than those, they’re just harder to keep track of!
What about you guys? Do you have any idea which books have been on your TBR the longest? Or have you, like me, completely lost track?
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I’m with you when it comes to my physicalTBR list. I have things that have been on my shelves for years that someday I’ll get to, or at least I tell myself that. Had I not had an electronicTBR list I would not have been able to answer this.
Hahaha! Great to know I’m not alone! Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Dracula and Frankenstein were both great reads. I hope you like them. Thanks for stopping by earlier.
I keep hearing good things about them…. one of these days I’ll get to them! Thanks for stopping by!
I cleared my physical TBR last year, so I went with unread Kindle books for mine. I’d say I don’t know how you have a PG Wodehouse book you’ve not read, but I have a big Wodehouse collection on my Kindle that I haven’t tackled much of!
Oh wow, congratulations! It’s a funny thing. I’ve watched lots of Jeeves and Wooster, and I know I’ll love the books, and yet somehow I’ve never actually read any of his books. I think part of me wants to save them so I’ve got something I know will be funny to look forward to! Good luck with your Kindle reading – and your own Wodehouse!