Ugh, I hate shopping. I used to like it when I was younger, but now it’s just hell. Partly because I’m still cautious about COVID and it seems like an unnecessary risk. Partly because I’m less tolerant of public spaces and people. But mostly it’s just horrible. Especially clothes shopping, which hasn’t been fun for over a decade now, and I suspect never will be again. Everything is so expensive, nothing fits, or if it does it’s not comfortable. One of the main benefits of being a SAHM is that I don’t have to wear uncomfortable clothes for work – so I don’t. I have some nicer outfits, but mostly I’m jeans, track pants and sweat pants. Tank tops or t-shirts and hoodies. That’s it for me, and I really, really don’t want to have to go back to struggling to shoehorn myself into clothes and shoes that feel like they’re trying to kill me a slow, uncomfortable death. Probably the only in person shopping I’d enjoy would be for my hobbies – so books and yarn. And shopping for kid’s books with my kid. Other than that, I’m out.
What about you guys? I assume I’m in the minority, particularly when it comes to women, or am I wrong about that? If you do like shopping, what do you like shopping for? If you don’t, what’s the absolute worst of the worst?
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I don’t really mind shopping for clothes because I do it subversively (charity stores near boutiques that change stock monthly, where this season’s $200 dress costs $2)…but books and yarn are much more fun.
Ooooh I love that phrase, subversive shopping! Great idea. You’re right though, books and yarn are definitely the best to shop for!
Clothes shopping for me is a mix bag. I have find some nice clothes. Some of it has a weird way of fitting. I was look for a squirt. They all fit but, the skirt part was tight around my legs. The way clothes are made nowadays baffle me.
My post:
Yeah, there’s how things are supposed to fit…. and then there’s how they fit. Rarely the same!
I hate clothes shopping. Especially if I have to do it in person.