I’ve had a fair number of pets over the years and they’ve all been pretty awesome. I had a goldfish who used to enjoy it if I propped picture books up against his tank for him to “read” (I was 4 at the time, so he probably didn’t actually even notice). I had a dog who could catch two frisbees thrown in opposite directions before they hit the ground. I had pets I gathered from nature (and returned where I found them), including salamanders, tree frogs and hermit crabs. Now we have cats. They’re all pretty great in their own ways. One of my favourite things is that we’ve taught them to come when we whistle for them. It comes in handy if you just want a cuddle and they’re nowhere to be found and you don’t want to crawl under beds with the dust bunnies looking for them! There’s also one who used to be afraid of loud noises, so every time it thundered or there were fireworks I’d have to put him on my lap under a blanket and hold him while he quivered. He’s mostly grown out of that now, fortunately!

That’s about all I can think of to say about pets for today. I’d love to hear any cute stories or odd habits your pets have though!

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    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Hmmm… I never actually set out to do that, it just kind of happened. I’d do a particular voice and whistle every time I called them for treats or wet food, or if I wanted to play or cuddle, so I guess the positive reinforcement taught them to be curious when I whistled and come to see if I had something for them!

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