Most of the books I’ve read fall into literary fiction, which is kind of a genre, but also not as it encompasses SO MUCH. I guess if I had to pick one to read for the rest of my life, it would be that, precisely because it has such range. However, especially in recent years, I’ve been reading a lot of selective memoirs or non-fiction books by authors who are recounting experiences I find interesting. Often about being somehow outside of “mainstream” society (i.e. White, heterosexual, cis gender, male, able-bodied, neurotypical, employed, not incarcerated etc.). I am always interested in learning about the experiences of people who have lived lives very different from my own, or particularly similar to my own. I think what these genres have in common is that they all allow the reader to step into another person’s shoes, and to learn about important historical events and social issues. I think this is the very centre of not only why these types of books appeal to me, but the reason I love reading so much in the first place. I love escaping into another place or time, sure, but more than that I love catching glimpses into other people’s minds, experiences and viewpoints. That’s what really draws me to a particular book, and what will make me love it.


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  1. Michael Mock says:

    Yeah, I’ve never been entirely sure whether to categorize literary fiction as an actual genre, or just as a way of saying “This book has Cultural Aspirations.” But there is a lot of good variety there.

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