So this week’s prompt is “scariest real life ghost story.” And I’m at a complete loss. I don’t watch or read scary stories because I’m a complete wimp. I just can’t do it. I become a puddle of quivering fear within the first five minutes. I also don’t really have strong opinions about the supernatural – largely because of the aforementioned wimp factor that has made me avoid giving it too much thought. The closest I’ve had to an encounter with a ghost is watching Supernatural with my back firmly placed against a wall, in a cosy blanket, with at least one cat on my lap. And that was pushing my limits, honestly. So the only ghostish thing I have is that my mum swears she has been visited by ghosts of family members. Nothing sinister or dramatic, more of sensing a presence and feeling certain it was one she recognized. I don’t know the details as it’s not my story, but that’s all I’ve got.

What about you guys? Do you believe in the supernatural? Have you had any encounters (though please no horrific or scary stories because I honestly will never recover)? Yikes I’m glad this week’s prompt is over, tbh!

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a blog hop hosted every Wednesday by Long and Short Reviews. The weekly prompts range widely, including both book-related and non-book-related topics. The idea is to get bloggers to interact, share a bit about their lives and connect with other bloggers. Click here for the list of upcoming topics, and visit here to join in the fun! 


  1. Ann says:

    I don’t think I ever encounter any thing of the supernatural but I know a lot of people that have. Including a friend that like to go ghost hunting.

  2. Michael Mock says:

    I’m essentially a materialist, myself; I don’t really believe in ghosts, though they make for some fun stories. (And I do love horror movies!) But yeah, I didn’t really have a proper ghost story to tell, either.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I can’t handle horror, unfortunately – I watched The Grudge once and didn’t sleep for two days! I swore off them after that. But yeah, it’s kind of hard for me to believe fully in anything that I don’t have proof of. Religion is similar for me. I understand the value of it, I’ve known some religious people who have benefitted from the community it provides, but I could never be part of a religion because I just can’t believe in it, even if I wanted to. Ah well, we’re all different I guess!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yeah, she didn’t seem thrilled about it, but wasn’t freaked out either. I fully plan to haunt my kid when I die, and I absolutely will chase off any bullies or not-good-enough partners in the future!

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