Hmmmm. So here’s the thing. I don’t really buy into resolutions – no shade to the people they work for, but for me it’s kind of like picking a TBR. The very second I make that firm decision whatever I chose instantly becomes completely unappealing. So I’m actually less likely to read whatever I chose or do whatever I resolved to. I’ve never had any success with them. On top of which, the last few years have been rough. So things like resolving to eat more kale or do pilates twice a week or learn a new hobby just don’t give me any kind of feelings, because I’m still filled with a kind of existential dread. My goal for this year? Survive it. Still be here for 2024. That’s really it at this point. This year I’m looking down the barrel of a medical procedure for a family member that’s scaring me to death, moving to a neighbourhood that has me totally isolated (I don’t drive) and a lot of uncertainty around my health. So yeah, survival is as high as my reach hits this year.

I hope you are in a better position, and that you are, in fact, planning to take on a new hobby or take up pilates. I’d love to hear some more optimistic goals, and I’m cheering for them. I’m just not there yet myself. I’m working on it. Maybe that’s a goal? Feel less like I’m waiting for catastrophe? Who knows. Anyway, feel free to share your own thoughts on the matter, whether you’re yay or nay on the concept of resolutions, and not only what you’re resolving this year, but if you have anything exciting you’re looking forward to! I’d love to hear it all!

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a blog hop hosted every Wednesday by Long and Short Reviews. The weekly prompts range widely, including both book-related and non-book-related topics. The idea is to get bloggers to interact, share a bit about their lives and connect with other bloggers. Click here for the list of upcoming topics, and visit here to join in the fun! 


  1. Cassie says:

    I’d say after the last couple years in general – especially combined with your situation – ‘just’ surviving is an admirable goal. I hope you manage it, and send positive vibes through to you and your family member. I hope you have as safe as year as possible.

    Having spent the last couple of years in survival mode myself, I’m aiming for living and enjoying this year. Taking the time to do the things I enjoy doing and rediscovering my love for them.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thank you. It has been a rough time for everyone – and many far more than me. I know I’m lucky in so many ways. But it’s still been a challenge! I hope you are able to relax a bit and re-immerse yourself in your favourite passtimes! I hope 2023 is better than the last two for you as well.

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