It’s funny, since becoming a stay at home mom, which then transitioned into being someone who couldn’t handle a full time job, then one who wasn’t comfortable going to a public place every day and exposing myself to risk of illness, then kind of all of the above, my days aren’t really all that different. School days now involve a few hours of driving back and forth to school, then household chores in between, so that creates a different routine for them. But other than that, most days aren’t that different. I have routines, chores I complete each day and others that rotate on a semi-regular basis (and a lot of feeling frustrated that I never manage to feel caught up on any of them, nor does my house ever feel like it’s properly tidy or organized). On weekends I do most of the same chores, and if my family go out on a hike or something and I’m home alone I generally use the opportunity to dive into some of the bigger jobs around the house that I haven’t had time for throughout the week. The main difference is more time spent with my family as they’re not at school or working, and that’s always a pleasant break in the week. Some weekends we are busy doing things outside of the house, others we enjoy the break in scheduled activities and pressure and get to relax and do what we feel like. Sometimes that’s playing games or making tea/hot chocolate and enjoying some time reading or watching David Attenborough explore the world. I don’t really have set activities that happen every week, but it’s nice having some variation in our plans, I think.
What about you guys? Any other stay at home moms out there who similarly find the days kind of blend together? Anyone have more set activities they look forward to every weekend?
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