Something funny that happened to me. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the past, or because things have felt a bit dismal for a few years now or what. But I have spent weeks now trying to think of a funny thing that happened to me, and I just can’t. So instead, I’m going to turn the mic over to you guys. I know most of you already participate, so if you’ve written this prompt already, feel free to share your link in the comments so everyone here can click over to your funny story. If you don’t participate in this link-up and you have a funny story you’d like to share, you can post it directly in the comments!

Just a quick FYI – a family member is having a medical procedure done this week, so I will do my best to post comments as they come in, but I may not be able to reply right away. Bear with me, I will still read them and appreciate any funny stories you can share with me to lighten the mood right now!


Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a blog hop hosted every Wednesday by Long and Short Reviews. The weekly prompts range widely, including both book-related and non-book-related topics. The idea is to get bloggers to interact, share a bit about their lives and connect with other bloggers. Click here for the list of upcoming topics, and visit here to join in the fun! 


  1. Laura Moseley says:

    Every time I go to Goodwill, I look in the toy section for Rubik’s Cubes. I use them to allay my anxiety, plus I gift them to other anxious people. I came home with one tonight and my BF said, “Liberated another one, huh? What number is that? Like 501?” We both laughed. He knows me!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      That is AWESOME. I love that so much! I’ve got anxiety too, so I might have to look out for some! I”ve never solved one and probably never will, but I imagine trying is good enough!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thank you! It did in fact go well as far as we can tell – now just a few weeks’ wait to see if everything has healed as it should. I’ll go and check out your answer – I’m sure you’ve got a good one!

  2. George L Thomas says:

    I had a difficult time remembering something funny, too! I wracked my brain for days until I finally managed it (that and a chat with my sister). So I completely understand where you’re coming from.

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