I don’t care much for fashion. My own dress sense stalled out somewhere between the late 90s and early 2000s, arguably not so much because I liked the fashion particularly, but because there was more unisex and simple clothing, and in some cases more comfortable. I don’t like skirts much, or dresses. I hate high heels. If left to my own devices I’d like to wear jeans that aren’t super tight, and definitely non the ones that are so tight around the ankles that it’s nearly impossible to get your foot through them without twisting an ankle. They’d have a bit of stretch in them. I also really miss proper skate shoes because they were comfy and I liked the style. I don’t mind the look of Chuck Taylors, but they aren’t the most comfortable footwear, and the tall kind are a pain to put on, so they’re not my favourite. I like simple t-shirts, and nothing beats a nice soft hoodie or fleece zip-up, I don’t care if it’s not pretty. I guess at the end of the day I’m very much comfort and practicality over fashion. I want something that’s not too tight, that has comfortable fabric, that isn’t squeezing my body anywhere (*shudder* turtlenecks *shudder*), and that MUST HAVE functional pockets large enough to actually put something useful into. Basically I want to be sartorially indistinguishable from a teenaged boy from the skateboard era. That’s my milieu.
What about you guys? Anyone else out there who just wants clothes that feel good enough that you can become unaware of their existence while you’re doing something else? Anyone else a fan of fleece and have a strong distaste for turtlenecks?
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It’s possible for clothes to feel good enough that you forget you’re wearing them and still look a little dressier than sweats or pajamas.
I wear trousers when I’m doing physical work–whenever anyone has enough common sense and fortitude to admit that old ladies CAN do physical work, which isn’t often. So most days I wear a dress. A proper dress, usually from the actual 1990s or with that type of style–defined waist, pockets deep enough to hold a Pocket Book, skirt that keeps the mosquitoes off my ankles and has room to take long steps in, and only natural fabric (mostly cotton). Flat canvas shoes. No stockings, though I have put on heavy wool socks if I needed to be out in freezing cold weather. Heavy shawl on cold dry days, trench coat on cold wet days, and nobody who’s sitting down should try to tell a person who’s walking what qualifies as a cold day.
That fairly well explains what I wear whether New York calls it in or out of fashion.
I know the ad used to be “Never let them see you sweat,” but for women my age it might as well have been “Never let them see your sweats.” I wear sweats. At home. When the temperature is below freezing. I’m not a big fan of shorts on the street, either. The young look cute in anything, but I, personally, would feel ridiculous.
I think this sums up my feeling on clothing and fashion – you will usually look best in what you feel good in. I’ve seen the same outfits on different people with hugely variable results depending on how they felt wearing it. And I also don’t care much if something has gone out of fashion if I like it and think it looks decent on me, especially now that I’ve been around long enough to see things to in and out and back into fashion, and the current revivals don’t tend to represent the best of any of the eras I’ve witnessed! I love that you have large pockets in your dresses – that’s one of the things I always found just impractical in so man of the dresses I attempted. Thanks for sharing!
I think we share a similar sense of style. Comfort over thebwaybsomething looks. I love a big hoody and joggers or jeans. If I’m not leaving the house, however, I just wear what I call ‘daytime pyjamas’, which are regular pyjamas that I swap for more regular pyjamas at bed time.
Haha! I love ‘daytime pyjamas’ that’s a brilliant description, and yes, I’m with you on that one!