I feel like most of the posts I’ve written so far this year have been a bit on the serious and heavy side. But I’m not done yet, because there are only two things I can think of in recent years that I’m proud of. One is working hard on my relationship with my kid, which is a constant work in progress but the most important thing in my life. The other is working on getting help.

I know I’ve mentioned here before, but I suffer from both physical and mental health challenges. Anxiety, in particular, is something that can be a hindrance for me, and COVID has become a huge source of anxiety for me. I dunno, something about an invisible thing floating in the air that anyone around you could be infected with that could kill you seemed a bit stressful. I know for most people the pandemic is over – I see fewer and fewer masks around, and people are often outright hostile if I talk about my feelings about it. But for me, with my medical issues and how much fear has been brought up over the past couple of years, it’s just not feeling any different to me. It’s still around. It’s still mutating. We still don’t really know how to fight it, other than one medication that a lot of people either can’t take or don’t have access to, people are even less likely to take measures that would help protect vulnerable people like me, and I am struggling to balance my own concerns with the needs of my family.

So, all that to say, I’ve recently managed to find a new psychiatrist to start figuring out how I get to a more reasonable level of threat perception so that life can open up a bit. It’s hard. It feels downright impossible most days. But it’s a first step, and it’s something I’m feeling like I needed to do. So I guess I’m proud of myself for asking for help, even if it hasn’t yet started to fix anything.

What about you guys? What are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing – or even trying, because just working at something can be a huge accomplishment in itself?

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a blog hop hosted every Wednesday by Long and Short Reviews. The weekly prompts range widely, including both book-related and non-book-related topics. The idea is to get bloggers to interact, share a bit about their lives and connect with other bloggers. Click here for the list of upcoming topics, and visit here to join in the fun! 


  1. Cassie says:

    That initial asking for help is an incredibly hard thing to do (I did it myself last year) so damn right you should be super proud of yourself for taking that step!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thank you. And I’m proud of you – I hope that you are feeling in a better place than you were then. We all deserve more kindness – especially from ourselves! Our world can make it harder than it should be to take care of ourselves and ask for support. Thank you for stopping by and sharing!

  2. Priscilla King says:

    You know, maybe it’s because I did one of these blog prompts years ago, and thought of ten accomplishments right away, that I’m having trouble thinking of an answer to this question this week. Let’s just say that in the last few years I’ve not really topped anything I’d done in youth. And I’ve lost too many friends, at times too close together, to feel really glad about anything.

    Hang in there, fellow blogger!

    About coronavirus…watching TV tends to make people feel more anxiety. Most people have already been exposed to COVID-19. If you’re not one of those immune-compromised people who were already isolating themselves before the COVID panic, and you’ve not already had a cough and felt tired, you probably have good resistance and nothing to worry about except spreading the virus to someone less fortunate.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yeah, it can be hard, especially if your life feels small for whatever reason – getting older, illness, parenthood, mental health issues, or any number of other reasons. It feels like “accomplishment” has to be something that would count for everyone, when it might be an accomplishment that you got out of bed or ate a full meal or went for a walk. I guess I feel like it’s important to look at where you’re at, and how far you managed to come in any area recently – sometimes the small things can be big. Of course, you can also share older accomplishments that you’re still proud of – because there are definitely some that last a lifetime! I’m sorry to hear you have suffered so much loss. That must make it really hard to look for some of those adventures you would have previously done with those friends. You hang in there as well. At least here we are not as alone as we may feel in real life!

      I agree with you that engaging with media can be detrimental. It’s important to choose sources and exposure wisely. Unfortunately we have medical issues in my household, so caution is still prudent. We’ll see where things go over the next year though. I believe that the risk and situation are improving, even if it’s not a straight line towards “normal.” Thanks for stopping by and sharing. I hope you have a few more adventures and accomplishments, even if they’re smaller ones than in your youth!

  3. George L Thomas says:

    Asking for help can be incredibly difficult, so it’s brilliant that you have! As for the Covid thing, none of us has ever been through anything like it before (and hopefully, never will again) so anxiety feels like an appropriate response. Nobody can tell you that your feelings are wrong, you feel how you feel.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yeah you’re right. The hard part is when others in your household have different risk tolerance. So either they have to give up things they want to do and feel fine about to meet where you’re at, or they do those things and you feel more anxious and unsafe in your own home. There’s really not a lot of middle ground. But at least we are in a much better place than we were, and hopefully things will continue in that direction!

  4. MacKade says:

    People are the worst. They mock and treat YOU badly for wearing something that helps everybody. *shaking my head in sadness * .
    Do ask for help, that’s great, but keep in mind a lot of people will always be faster than wiseness and/or intelligence.
    It’s great you know when and where ask for help.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yeah, it somehow got so complicated and masks were given all this political charge that 1isn’t inherently what they mean and that made them so divisive. It’s extra hard for vulnerable people who are literally just wearing them to stay alive and get all the vitriol directed at them. What are they supposed to do? It’s great that vaccines have made it less serious, but it isn’t harmless for everyone!

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