This is a hard one. I can’t really think of any terrible advice I’ve been given, much less any I’ve been given and then followed. I’ve made plenty of mistakes, like not fighting for things that were really important to me and subsequently losing them, or not going to university sooner, or not learning a trade so I could pay for said university. But they were all of my own making. I mean, probably the worst advice I’ve ever actually followed was along the lines of, “come on, have another shot. What could go wrong?” followed by a lot of blurry stuff and a terrible hangover. That happened. Other than that… yeah, I got nothing.
What about you guys? Any terrible advice you’ve been given? Wanna try giving me some so I’ll have something to write about next time someone asks?
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What you say about given and then followed is the main thing.
Haha, right?
“Go on, one more drink” is certainly terrible advice.
I mean, occasionally it turned out fine, but also occasionally it turned out painful!
I’m glad you’ve mostly avoided terrible advice!
And, yeah, I wish I’d been more practical about learning a trade or picking a better college major, too.
I loved university. I learned so much – about myself, about the world, about how to interrogate ideas and think critically… all vital to the person I am now. But it didn’t get me a career, and it cost so much. Looking back, I think getting into a trade that pays well and is reliably employable, living cheaply, saving up and THEN going to university would have been a better path. I don’t regret University, I just wish I had skills learned outside of it, too!