WWW Wednesday #18


It’s time for this week’s WWW Wednesdays, hosted by Should Be Reading blog (head over and check them out!).

This link up asks three questions

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll be reading next? 

Here are my WWW answers!

What did I recently finish reading?

After Legend I picked up this one. Not so much because I was desperate to know what happened, as because a) It was there, and b) I’d heard that this series gets better with every book. Not entirely sure I agree.

What am I currently reading? 

After finishing 2/3 of this series, I felt like I couldn’t really stop there. So I soldiered on with Champion and got about halfway through it before I realized I kind of needed a change of pace. I still plan to finish it – I’m so close now – but I might save this one for the Readathon on Saturday. I picked up Fikry because I was intrigued by it and it kept beckoning me from my bedside table. So far I’m really enjoying it – it’s whimsical, easy to get into, and there’s lots of book talk in it. Which makes me happy.

What do I think I’ll be reading next? 

I started this one on Christmas Eve, and while it was beautifully written and incredibly evocative, it just wasn’t what I wanted to be reading over the holidays. However my need for some reading material with a bit more substance has led me back to it, and I plan to keep chipping away at it. It’s long, though, as well as dense, so I imagine I’ll be reading it side-by-side with some lighter books. Otherwise it’ll be like 6 months before I finish it and I do like to post a review a week!

Now it’s your turn! Share your recent reads in the comments – and don’t forget to link up with the original post (and share a link in the comments) if you wrote your own WWW Wednesday! //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>

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2 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #18

  1. StacieSnape says:

    Sad to hear that the Legend series isn't as good as you would have hoped, really need to start it soon and have been dying to read it for so long but I'm sorta cautious now haha.

    Haven't heard of the other two but they sound interesting enough so might have to add them to my TBR list haha.

    Hope you're well, haven't heard much from you lately.

  2. StacieSnape says:

    Sad to hear that the Legend series isn't as good as you would have hoped, really need to start it soon and have been dying to read it for so long but I'm sorta cautious now haha.

    Haven't heard of the other two but they sound interesting enough so might have to add them to my TBR list haha.

    Hope you're well, haven't heard much from you lately.

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