It’s time for this week’s WWW Wednesdays, hosted by Should Be Reading blog (head over and check them out!).
This link up asks three questions
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you’ll be reading next?
Here are my WWW answers!
What am I currently reading?
I didn’t really mean to start this. A colleague had talked to me about it and so when I saw it, I picked it up and started idly reading the first few pages. But then I needed to keep reading. I needed to find out why Hank couldn’t remember anything, who he really was – and how he was going to deal with his situation. So far I’m totally into this book. I can’t put it down. Well, I mean I can, I just really, really don’t want to.
What did I recently finish reading?
Since the last WWW Wednesday I have finished two books, one of which I loved, the other of which I found a bit disappointing. Stay tuned for my reviews to find out which was which!
Now it’s your turn! Share your recent reads in the comments – and don’t forget to link up with the original post (and share a link in the comments) if you wrote your own WWW Wednesday! //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>